Trautman Associates completed a $19 million Infrastructure Capital Project for Lockport City School District. TA provided full service design including: architectural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, civil, structural, and interior design.
The first two phases consisted of roof replacement projects for two elementary schools.
The third phase consisted of an addition and renovations project for Roy B. Kelley Elementary School and site improvements at George Southard Elementary School. A 2-story, 10,000 square foot, 8 classroom expansion to an existing classroom wing was created to accommodate the additional students with the closing of an Elementary School for the upcoming school year. Care was given to the addition and renovations finishes to match the existing character of the original 1958 building and 1961 addition. Other renovations to the elementary school included an elevator addition, school-wide window replacement and the renovation of the cafeteria/stage, nurse suite, former locker rooms, toilet rooms, classrooms and corridors. With the elevator addition and ramps barrier-free handicap accessibility was provided at the existing four different floor elevation heights. Other barrier-free handicap accessibility renovations consisted of toilet room renovations and nurse suite renovations. The George Southard Elementary School site improvements were re-designed to provide barrier-free handicap accessibility, to enable school staff to control the flow of students, personnel and visitors.
The fourth phase consisted of: district wide technology upgrades, renovations to Elementary and Middle Schools including science room/lab renovations, roof replacements, site improvements, barrier-free handicap accessibility upgrades, athletic field improvements, window replacements, masonry restoration.